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20 Dec 2023

BITMi annual forecast for 2024: IT medium-sized companies are stable

BITMi annual forecast for 2024: IT medium-sized companies are stable
Aachen, December 20, 2023 - The annual forecast of the Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand eV (BITMi) shows: The majority of the medium-sized IT industry continues to have a positive outlook for the new year for their own company, but expects the situation to stagnate or worsen German digital industry as a whole. 

Over half (57 percent) of the IT medium-sized companies surveyed expect an increase in sales. A third expect sales to remain the same in the coming year. At the same time, almost 30 percent expect the situation in the German IT industry to worsen and only 40 percent expect it to improve. One reason for this more critical outlook compared to the previous year is the continued difficult economic situation, but also the low priority that digitalization is currently given in politics. Just over half (56 percent) see both as the biggest challenges for the digital economy. Another challenge for almost a quarter of those surveyed are legal regulations that impose obligations and costs that are particularly burdensome for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

“Despite the economic situation, medium-sized IT companies are on stable footing and continue to perform well. However, the government’s sobering digital policy is clearly reflected in its forecast for the coming year,” comments BITMi President Dr. Oliver Green. “The IT SMEs that shape our digital economy have the potential to reduce our digital dependencies through alternative offers to tech giants from the USA and China. If digitalization continues to receive such low priority in politics, this potential risks remaining unused,” he explains.

However, the biggest challenge for medium-sized IT companies remains the lack of IT specialists, as 59 percent state. Almost 80 percent of those surveyed have unfilled IT positions in their company. The biggest digital trend of the new year will remain artificial intelligence. The overwhelming majority is convinced that their application, integration, further development and regulation will continue to concern us in the new year.

See the full survey results here .







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